Specialists in optimizing your investment in Digital technology

General Management / IT Management

Without appropriate management, a small business can often feel acute pain around their digital investment.

This can manifest itself in a number of ways:

  • The relationship with your providers become tense because they are only engaging when things go wrong
  • It’s becoming harder to on board new staff
  • Systems are becoming frustrating to use
  • You don’t feel you have the most appropriate contracts with your service providers
  • Data is spread everywhere – some in systems, some on paper making reporting a nightmare
  • You are often finding yourself blaming the systems for not doing what you want

These are all symptoms of the business outgrowing your digital investment.

These pain points can be easily fixed but it may also time to think about how this is managed.

Your digital assets need as much attention as your other important assets used to run your business.

Neglecting these digital assets and the relationships with your providers will increase the overhead in running the business and could ultimately lead to more dire consequences such as data loss or corruption, equipment failure, system outages or security breaches.

General Management / IT Management

Without appropriate management, a small business can often feel acute pain around their digital investment.

This can manifest itself in a number of ways:

  • The relationship with your providers become tense because they are only engaging when things go wrong
  • It’s becoming harder to on board new staff
  • Systems are becoming frustrating to use
  • You don’t feel you have the most appropriate contracts with your service providers
  • Data is spread everywhere – some in systems, some on paper making reporting a nightmare
  • You are often finding yourself blaming the systems for not doing what you want.


These are all symptoms of the business outgrowing your digital investment

These pain points can be easily fixed but it may also time to think about how this is managed.

Your digital assets need as much attention as your other important assets used to run your business.

Neglecting these digital assets and the relationships with your providers will increase the overhead in running the business and could ultimately lead to more dire consequences such as data loss or corruption, equipment failure, system outages or security breaches.

Your Digital technology can be one of your most valuable assets.

Managing these assets takes experience and expertise to ensure you are getting the most optimal return. 

Most businesses rely on digital technology in some form. Everything is driven in some form through the use of devices, phones, internet, systems, computer networks and data. This is a lot to manage when also trying to run the business.

Your supplier management may also include IT Service providers, your internet providers, telephony providers, software vendors and specialist technology vendors.

Fernleaf Consulting can take the worry out of managing your environment by:

  • managing technology spend and working to establish a solid understanding of where the money is going, where it needs to go and where savings can be found
  • ensuring appropriate system and data security is in place and there are clear and concise policies in place for staff to understand their obligation in ensuring data quality and security is maintained
  • improving data quality and confidence in the use of the data. Sometimes organizations have no idea how reliable their data is, where it comes from or who uses it. This is a risky proposition which we can work to resolve
  • looking at opportunities to improve systems or data or extend existing functionality. Often an organization may only use a small percentage of the systems they have purchased. There may be additional features that are available to leverage
  • taking responsibility for the scoping, costing and definition of small improvement projects. These could be system improvements, improvements to existing process, introduction of clear and concise policies, staff training or a combination of any or all of these
  • working with your suppliers to build and/or maintain and/or shift to a solid proactive working relationship. We can also look at your supplier landscape and work with you to rationalize or simplify the number of providers you have to deal with
  • understanding areas of concern and work with you to address mitigation. Our methodology covers all areas applicable to digital technology usage across your business
  • conducting regular health checks where we can ‘check in’ to ensure your digital environment is healthy and is running efficiently
  • working with you to establish a permanent in house digital capability. We have experience in setting up IT teams for a number of organizations
  • identifying opportunities for staff training and skills advancement. We can also design workshops and training pathways to bring staff up to speed and support the ongoing skills refreshment for all staff


Our IT Management as a Service offering draws for over 30 years’ experience in IT at all levels from design and implementation through to Management, Leadership and Executive levels.

We offer competitive pricing structure that will suit your needs. We believe in tailoring a package that suits your budget.

Digital technology should not be a barrier to getting things done. It should be the enabler of great things!

If you think we can help and you would like to have an obligation free chat about your business and how we can help in the management of your team and technology assets, please get in touch via our Contact page.