Specialists in optimizing your investment in Digital technology
Assessing your Digital Technology footprint
Most people have heard the saying – A good builder doesn’t blame his tools.
Often data or technology is blamed as the cause of a range of issues in a business.
What actually happened is:
1. The technology is not fit for purpose – either it no longer does what you want it to do, or it never did what you wanted it to do in the first place.
Digital solutions that no longer fit is a symptom of business growth or change. The business grows and technology is forgotten until it no longer supports the new business profile.
2. The technology has not been implemented properly – the setup was not thought out or planned and the implications are now being felt.
Digital technology providers make it simple and fast to implement their systems however the default options often don’t suit your business need.
3. The cheapest option was chosen – often this introduces compromises that once were ok but are now no longer appropriate.
The cheapest option is not always the best option. You get what you pay for and often the tradeoff between cost and functionality is unbalanced toward cost and compromised functionality. This puts you on the back foot especially when setting up a new business and cost reduction is a top priority.
4. The data is wrong
Data is the foundation of any business. Without it, your business will cease to operate. Bad data is like having rotten foundations. Data needs to be accurate and up to date so you can be confident in the reporting that you generate from it and you rely on!
Poor data quality can lead to some serious problems for businesses.
5. Our technology does support how we work – so we’ll change the way we work!
Digital technology should support your business, not run it. This is often a symptom that your growth has outpaced the digital technology and it is time to look at new digital technology that is a better fit.
It can also be a symptom of an uncertain or inflexible business model – something we can also help you with!
Assessing your Digital Technology footprint
Most people have heard the saying – A good builder doesn’t blame his tools.
Often data or technology is blamed as the cause of a range of issues in a business.
What actually happened is:
1. The technology is not fit for purpose – either it no longer does what you want it to do, or it never did what you wanted it to do in the first place.
Digital solutions that no longer fit is a symptom of business growth or change. The business grows and technology is forgotten until it no longer supports the new business profile.
2. The technology has not been implemented properly – the setup was not thought out or planned and the implications are now being felt.
Digital technology providers make it simple and fast to implement their systems however the default options often don’t suit your business need.
3. The cheapest option was chosen – often this introduces compromises that once were ok but are now no longer appropriate.
The cheapest option is not always the best option. You get what you pay for and often the tradeoff between cost and functionality is unbalanced toward cost and compromised functionality. This puts you on the back foot especially when setting up a new business and cost reduction is a top priority.
4. The data is wrong
Data is the foundation of any business. Without it, your business will cease to operate. Bad data is like having rotten foundations. Data needs to be accurate and up to date so you can be confident in the reporting that you generate from it and you rely on!
Poor data quality can lead to some serious problems for businesses.
5. Our technology does support how we work – so we’ll change the way we work!
Digital technology should support your business, not run it. This is often a symptom that your growth has outpaced the digital technology and it is time to look at new digital technology that is a better fit.
It can also be a symptom of an uncertain or inflexible business model – something we can also help you with!
Your Digital technology can be one of your most valuable assets.
Knowing what you have, how you use it, how much you pay for it are just some of the things you should know.
Understanding this environment then allows you to sweat these assets and truly getting value for money from them.
Fernleaf Consulting can provide a number of assessment services to get to the bottom of these problems.
Our Digital Technology Assessments look at how well your digital technology investment is implemented and used.
Alongside the assessment of the digital environment, the assessment looks at the people using the technology, how they use it, processes being automated or feeding the digital technology environment and what good looks like if the digital technology was working as it should.
We typically also look at cost and risk expectations as the appetite for both differs across different businesses.
We can then draft a set of recommendations and a change plan to manage the implement the changes.
Digital technology should not be a barrier to getting things done. It should be the enabler of great things!
We offer competitive pricing structure that will suit your needs. We believe in providing a tailored package that suits your needs.
If you think we can help and you would like to have an obligation free chat about your business and how you could implement digital technology more cost effectively, please get in touch via our Contact page.